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Paul Emmanuel Vault of Breath (2000) (detail)

Pages from Cathexis
The Open Window Contemporary Art Gallery, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
30 April – 27 May 2000

Emmanuel's first solo exhibition comprised small, intimate copperplate etchings from the Sleep Series as well as his first landscape lithographic work Vault of Breath (2000). Page proofs from his artist’s book in progress Cathexis, were also on view. His artists book Nomina sunt Numina (1993) which was submitted for the partial fulfilment of a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1993, was also displayed. The exhibition was extended by an educational display of lithographic and etching equipment. Three skills-transfer printmaking workshops were held at the gallery with young participants from The Ipopeng Project. Supported by a grant from the National Arts Council of South Africa.

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